lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2014


This video explains very easily how  the movements of the Earth are: rotation and revolution or orbiting. Watch it to understand this amazing process. Afterwards, we discuss about it in class. Enjoy it!!

domingo, 28 de septiembre de 2014


Here you can see a world map about child mortality.

1.Mention two countries with a high rate of child mortality (upper 25 deaths/ 1000 live births)

2. What is the child mortality rate of Spain?

3. How  is the mortality rate calculated?

4. How is the child mortality rate calculated?


A continuación tienes un mapa del mundo según la tasa de natalidad de los países. Haz una pequeña investigación en tu cuaderno sobre la natalidad.

1) ¿Cómo se calcula la tasa de natalidad?
2) Haz una tabla en la que clasifiques los países según su tasa de natalidad.a. Pon al menos dos ejemplos de países de cada grupo según la tasa de natalidad. Es importante que lo hagas en forma de tabla.
3) ¿Qué países tienen una tasa de natalidad mayor?

jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2014

Protect our Planet!

A continuación os dejo la actividad que tenéis que hacer, en inglés, para mañana viernes.
Dibuja en la cara de una hoja de tu cuaderno (a continuación de lo último que has escrito en clase) un cartel. En el cartel tienes que escribir en mayúsculas una frase en la que hagas un llamamiento para defender nuestro planeta. Por ejemplo:
Puedes poner el lema que quieras. Pero recuerda que tiene que hacer referencia a la importancia de proteger a la Tierra.
En el cartel debe aparecer también un dibujo, el que tú quieras y por último debe aparecer una de las características que hemos visto en clase que hacen que nuestro planeta sea singular. Puedes elegir la que tú quieras.
No olvides que la actividad debe ser en inglés.

jueves, 18 de septiembre de 2014


1. We will start each unit by writing the title in English and in Spanish. You must start each unit in a new sheet.

2. We will write an index with the topics of the unit.

3. The first point of the index will consist of an introduction  through a video and a timeline.

4.We will develop each topic of the index both in English and in Spanish through different ways: outlines, the book, conversations, explanations, internet, activities, etc.

5. When we do an activity in English the students have to write it only in English. Likewise, when we do an activity in Spanish, the students will write it only in Spanish.

6. You must use a pencil for the activities and a pen for other notes. Do not forget to use 
two pens (one red and other one blue).

7. Review all your notes at home and write down what you do not understand.

8.  The exams or other quizzes will have parts in English and in Spanish. The teacher will say to the students the contents to be focused on.

9. The most important thing is to enjoy and to learn, so do not hesitate to ask the teacher any question that you consider.


1. We will start each unit writing the title in English and in Spanish. You should start each unit in a new sheet.

2. We will write an indez with the topics of the unit.

3. The first point of the index will consist of an introduction in English through a video and a timeline.

4.We will develop each topic of the index both in English and in Spanish through different ways: outlines, the book, conversations, explanations, internet, activities, etc.

5. When we do an activity in English the students have to write it only in English. In te same way, when we do an activity in Spanish, the students we will write it only in Spanish.

You soulkd use a pencil for activities and a pen for other notes. I recommend you  using two pens (one red and other blue).

6. Review all your notes at home and write down what you do not understand.

7. The exams or other test will have parts in English and in Spanish. The teacher will say to the students what the exam will consist of.

8. The most important things are to enjoy and to learn, so do not hesitate to ask the teacher any question that you do not understand.