sábado, 1 de diciembre de 2018

1. Raw materials in the world. Production, consumption and conflicts.

The activities below are to do in the 1st point of the index: Raw materials in the world. Production, consumption and conflicts. 

This is the link to the video "Trade in raw materials":


I. After watching the video, answer these questions: 

a) What is the idea defended on the video? 

b) What are the main arguments of the video to support free trade of minerals in the world?

c) Why is it against export restrictions?

d) Why is the risk for the economy of being too reliant on a mineral?

II. Read the following text and answer the questions (read the 1st part only, not the part of "Recommended resources"


a) What is the gist of the article?

b) According to the author of the text, which natural resource will be the most likely source of  conflicts?

c) List the countries where some conflicts have taken place due to natural resources. Locate them on a map by doing a legend according to the natural resource of the conflict: diamonds, oil, fishing...

d) Summarize in a few lines the text. You are not allowed to copy exactly from the text.

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