Estas son las tareas que tenéis que hacer en clase durante mi ausencia. Como sabéis estoy de viaje de estudios con l@s alumn@s de 4º de ESO.
The Prehistory:
Antes de las vacaciones hemos desarrollado el punto 0 (introducción) del tema de la Prehistoria.
Durante las clases de la semana del 7 al 10 de abril tenéis que desarrollar los puntos 1 y 2. Las actividades deben estar hechas para el lunes 13 de abril.
1: Prehistory and History.
Copy on your notebook the text below and the exercices at home, and do the exercices in class.
Prehistory: Three stages
- Prehistory is the period that begins with the appearance of the human being, about five million years ago, and finishes with the invention of writing, about 6,000 years ago.
- It is a long period divided into three stages: the Palaeolithic Age, the NeolithicAge and the Metal Age.
- The Palaeolithic Age began with our first ancestors and finished about 10,000 years ago. During that period, human beings used tools made of stone and lived on hunting and gathering.
- In the Neolithic Age, which began about 10,000 years ago, human beings lived in villages. Human communities cultivated the land and raised cattle. Agriculture and cattle raising gave rise to aproductive economy.
- We call the the Metal Age to the period beginning about 7000 years ago, when human beings started to make objects out of metals.
a) Draw a timeline and locate on it the three atages of Prehistory. Here you have an example of a timeline.
b) Look at the timeline above and read the text again, what is the event which divides Prehistory and History?
c) According to the timeline above, how many years did Prehistory last?
d) Which period is longer, Prehistory or history? Work out the span (duración) of each period.
e) Which period of Prehistory were men and women hunters and gatherers in?
f) Why was the Neolithic so important?
g) Write and article which you explain all what you know about Prehistory in and which period of History you like most ant why (10 lines at least).
2: Hominization: a long process to become human beings.
Now, once you have written the title of the topic 2 on your notebook, you have to copy this text and do the exercices. As you have done in the previous exercice, copy the text and the exercices at home and do the activities in class,
Hominization is the evolutionary process that results in the present human being. It was a very long process.
- The first ancestors of the human beings appeared about five million years ago. We call them Australopithecus. They were quite similar to chimpanzees.
- Two million years ago a new human species called Homo Habilis appeared. They made tools of stone and lived on hunting and gathering. Homo Habilis and Australopithecus lived in Africa.
- Homo erectus appeared a million and a half years ago. They were similar to Homo habilis but they made more perfect tools. They had a greater technological development. This species discovered and learned how to use fire. Home erectus remains have been found out of Africa, in Europe andAsia.
- Homo antecessor is an extinct human species discovered in the Atapuerca site ( Spain). He appeared about 800,000 years ago. Most probably he is the oldest European. He is a common ancestor of Homo neanderthalensis and Homo sapiens.
- Then, about 100,000 years ago Homo sapiens appeared. This species is divided into two subtypes:Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis or Neanderthal man and Homo sapiens sapiens.
- Neanderthal man looked like us but he was more robust and sturdy. This species became extinct.
- Homo sapiens sapiens is the species we belong to. Archaeologists have found remains of Homo sapiens in America and Australia.
The continent where human beings first appeared is Africa. Homo erectus were the first human beings to leave Africa. Their remains have been found in Asia, Europe and Africa. In America and Australia, there are no remains of Homo erectus.The only vestiges that archaeologists have found there belong to Homo sapiens.
There are several characteristics that make human beings different from other similar species: they invent tools thanks to the evolution of their intellect; they can walk on two legs (biped walk) so they can work with their hands; they have an opposable thumb, which, for example, allows them to make tools or write; and., finally, the fact thatlearning is possible because human beings develop a symbolic language and have a long childhood.
a) Define what the hominization is in your own words,
b) According to the text when did the first human being appear?
c) Draw a line where you locate the different human beings and when they appeared.
d) Where did our ancestors appear?
f) Which was the first human being in living out of Africa?
h) According to the text, why is Atapuerca so important for understanding the hominization?
i) Do a table where you indicate the most important features (características) of each human being.
j) Observa las siguientes imágenes y explica qué quieren decir cada una de ellas.
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