jueves, 23 de noviembre de 2017
Exam about the feudalism
Hello! Here you have the different parts of the exam about the feudalism to be focused on.
Parts in English:
1. What is the feudalism?
- A text with some questions about the feudalism.
- True/false exercise to be corrected the false sentences.
- A picture to be described and related to the feudalism. These are some exmples:
Parts in English:
1. What is the feudalism?
- A text with some questions about the feudalism.
- True/false exercise to be corrected the false sentences.
- A picture to be described and related to the feudalism. These are some exmples:
2. The fief.
Explain what a fief was by using some words thatI will give you in the exam.
Partes en español:
- Preguntas sobre la línea del tiempo que está en la portada del tema.
Fijaros en las divisiones que hacemos de la Edad Media en Alta, Media y Baja., de las imágenes que aparecen, de las preguntas que hemos corregido en clase...
- Explicar en qué consistía la ceremonia de juramento entre un vasallo y su señor.
- La arquitectura románica.
- Pirámide social del feudalismo.
sábado, 18 de noviembre de 2017
Unit 2. Point 2: the fief
Hello, my friends! Don not worry! The activity is to be done quickly. It is an easy question. Copy this text about the fief into your notebook and translate it into Spanish. Look up on the dictionary any unknown word. Have a nice weekend.
Fief, in European feudal society, a vassal’s source of income, held from his lord in exchange for services. The fief constituted the central institution of feudal society (see feudalism). It normally consisted of landto which a number of unfree peasants were attached; the land was supposed to be sufficient to support the vassal and to secure his knight service for the lord. Its size varied greatly, according to the income it could provide. It has been calculated that a fief needed from 15 to 30 peasant families to maintain one knightly household. Fief sizes varied widely, ranging from huge estates and whole provinces to a plot of a few acres. Besides land, dignities and offices and money rents were also given in fief.
Fief, in European feudal society, a vassal’s source of income, held from his lord in exchange for services. The fief constituted the central institution of feudal society (see feudalism). It normally consisted of landto which a number of unfree peasants were attached; the land was supposed to be sufficient to support the vassal and to secure his knight service for the lord. Its size varied greatly, according to the income it could provide. It has been calculated that a fief needed from 15 to 30 peasant families to maintain one knightly household. Fief sizes varied widely, ranging from huge estates and whole provinces to a plot of a few acres. Besides land, dignities and offices and money rents were also given in fief.
Unit 2: points 2 and 3
Hello, everyone!!
Here you have the rest of the activities to develop the point 2 (tectonic plates and relief formation) and the activity to develop the following 3rd point (about the changes of the relief). Before starting a new point of the index, do not forget to write its title.
Point 2
Do this activity below the activities you have already done about the video that we have corrected in class. Copy these tables into your notebook and fill them in Spanish. Use the Spanish book to get the information (all the information is in the Spanish book). In order to translate the concepts into English you can use either a dictionary or the English book. There is a concept per each row. Do not forget to define it in Spanish and to translate it into English
Rotate the page to landscape orientation and use a side for each table.
Haz esta actividad debajo de las actividades que has hecho ya sobre el vídeo que hemos corregido en clase. Copia estas tablas en tu cuaderno y rellénalas en español. Usa el libro en español para obtener la información (todo está en el libro en español). Hay un concepto por cada fila. No olvides definir cada uno en español y traducirlo al inglés.
Por la hoja en sentido horizontal y usa una hoja para cada tabla.
Point 3
Read this text and answer the questions below. You might need the meaning of the following words. If you need it, look up the rest of the words on the dictionary.
- "To get worn down": Desgastar.
- Beat: golpear. En esta frase quiere decir que no hay nada que erosione más el Gran Cañón que el agua del río Colorado.
What causes valleys to form? Why do streams and lakes get muddy after a rain storm? Why are the rocks at the bottom of a river usually round? The answer to all these questions is EROSION!
a) Define in a line at most what erosion is.
b) What are the natural elements that cause the erosion?
c) What is the most common agent of erosion? Why?
Have a nice weekend!
Here you have the rest of the activities to develop the point 2 (tectonic plates and relief formation) and the activity to develop the following 3rd point (about the changes of the relief). Before starting a new point of the index, do not forget to write its title.
Point 2
Do this activity below the activities you have already done about the video that we have corrected in class. Copy these tables into your notebook and fill them in Spanish. Use the Spanish book to get the information (all the information is in the Spanish book). In order to translate the concepts into English you can use either a dictionary or the English book. There is a concept per each row. Do not forget to define it in Spanish and to translate it into English
Rotate the page to landscape orientation and use a side for each table.
Haz esta actividad debajo de las actividades que has hecho ya sobre el vídeo que hemos corregido en clase. Copia estas tablas en tu cuaderno y rellénalas en español. Usa el libro en español para obtener la información (todo está en el libro en español). Hay un concepto por cada fila. No olvides definir cada uno en español y traducirlo al inglés.
Por la hoja en sentido horizontal y usa una hoja para cada tabla.
Point 3
Read this text and answer the questions below. You might need the meaning of the following words. If you need it, look up the rest of the words on the dictionary.
- "To get worn down": Desgastar.
- Beat: golpear. En esta frase quiere decir que no hay nada que erosione más el Gran Cañón que el agua del río Colorado.
What causes valleys to form? Why do streams and lakes get muddy after a rain storm? Why are the rocks at the bottom of a river usually round? The answer to all these questions is EROSION!
Erosion is the process by which the surface of the Earth gets worn down. Erosion can be caused by natural elements such as wind and glacial ice. But anyone who has ever seen a picture of the Grand Canyon knows that nothing beats the slow steady movement of water when it comes to changing the Earth.
The key to erosion is something called "fluid flow." Water, air, and even ice are fluids because they tend to flow from one place to another due to the force of gravity. Of the three, liquid water is the most common agent of erosion because there's so much of it on the surface of the Earth.
b) What are the natural elements that cause the erosion?
c) What is the most common agent of erosion? Why?
Have a nice weekend!
sábado, 11 de noviembre de 2017
The feudalism
Hello everybody!
Watch this video about the feudalism and answer the questions below. Remember that by this task you are developing the point 1 of the index of the unit.
1. According to the video, which historical moment does the feudalism begin in?
2. Is the feudalism an urban process or a rural one?
3. Why did humble people move to live near a powerful man?
4. How can you define hierarchy?
5. Who was at the top of the pyramid?
6. What do great lords receive from the king?
7. Why do the king need them?
8. Who were the knights? Who do they receive the lands from?
9. Who were at the bottom of the pyramid?
10. Point three foodstuffs that you think that peasants ate in the daily life.
Watch this video about the feudalism and answer the questions below. Remember that by this task you are developing the point 1 of the index of the unit.
1. According to the video, which historical moment does the feudalism begin in?
2. Is the feudalism an urban process or a rural one?
3. Why did humble people move to live near a powerful man?
4. How can you define hierarchy?
5. Who was at the top of the pyramid?
6. What do great lords receive from the king?
7. Why do the king need them?
8. Who were the knights? Who do they receive the lands from?
9. Who were at the bottom of the pyramid?
10. Point three foodstuffs that you think that peasants ate in the daily life.
The tectonic plates
Hello! Watch this video about the tectonic plates and answer the questions below.
1. Which core is it made up of molten materials?
2. There are two kinds of crust. What are they? Which is thicker?
3. There are three kinds of movement of the tectonic plates. One of them is the tectonic plates move towards each other, what are the other two movements?
4. Apart from volcanoes, what type of relief can the tectonic plates cause.
5. What year did a fisherman see ash emerging from the sea? What was it due to? Where was it happening?
6. What happens within the volcano to make it erupt?
7. What is the lava?
8. Bring to the class a piece of news about a tragedy caused by a volcano or an earthquake everywhere at any time in the world. You can look it into the internet and print it. If you do not print the news, copy it into your notebook.
1. Which core is it made up of molten materials?
2. There are two kinds of crust. What are they? Which is thicker?
3. There are three kinds of movement of the tectonic plates. One of them is the tectonic plates move towards each other, what are the other two movements?
4. Apart from volcanoes, what type of relief can the tectonic plates cause.
5. What year did a fisherman see ash emerging from the sea? What was it due to? Where was it happening?
6. What happens within the volcano to make it erupt?
7. What is the lava?
8. Bring to the class a piece of news about a tragedy caused by a volcano or an earthquake everywhere at any time in the world. You can look it into the internet and print it. If you do not print the news, copy it into your notebook.
sábado, 4 de noviembre de 2017
Pictures to the teamwork
Hello! Here the pictures to the teamwork are. Check your group pictures when you need it.
See you in class.
See you in class.
martes, 24 de octubre de 2017
Create a history timeline
Hello my friends! You know that we are going to create an online history timeline. There are several online history timelines. I think this one, timetoast, could be an option. Here you have the video which explains how to create a timetoast account.
You have to create an account before Novembrer 3rd.
You have to create an account before Novembrer 3rd.
Unit 1 exam:
Hello my friends! Are you working hard to pass the next exam?
I remind you the date: 1º ESO B y D: 30 October; 1º ESO C: 31st October
These are the contents of the exam to be focused on. I difference parts in English and parts in Spanish.
Ask me any question you have!!!!
1. True or false questions related to the Universe. Apart from the information of the English book, you must check the questions we worked in groups in class.
2. A Text about why the Earth is a singular planet. Do not forget to check the outline we did in clas about this topic.
3. Define rotation and revolution and explain the consequences.
1. Un mapa de los husos horarios. Tendréis que calcular la hora de diferentes lugares del planeta.
2. La representación de los solsticios y los equinoccios. Explicar un dibujo similar a éste. Prestad atención a la inclinación del eje de la Tierra y al momento en que los rayos del sol llegan a la superficie de manera perpendicular. Puedes consultar los dibujos del libro de las páginas 20 y 21, te serán de gran ayuda.

3. Un ejercicio de de coordenadas geográficas. Será similar a las actividades que hemos hecho en clase sobre paralelos , meridianos y coordenadas geográficas. En un mapa tendréis que señalar los paralelos, meridianos y e indicar la latitud y longitud de un punto. El mapa que os dejo aquí será de gran ayuda. Fijaros en él y para practicar calcular las coordenadas de los puntos A, B, C y D.

I remind you the date: 1º ESO B y D: 30 October; 1º ESO C: 31st October
These are the contents of the exam to be focused on. I difference parts in English and parts in Spanish.
Ask me any question you have!!!!
1. True or false questions related to the Universe. Apart from the information of the English book, you must check the questions we worked in groups in class.
2. A Text about why the Earth is a singular planet. Do not forget to check the outline we did in clas about this topic.
3. Define rotation and revolution and explain the consequences.
1. Un mapa de los husos horarios. Tendréis que calcular la hora de diferentes lugares del planeta.
2. La representación de los solsticios y los equinoccios. Explicar un dibujo similar a éste. Prestad atención a la inclinación del eje de la Tierra y al momento en que los rayos del sol llegan a la superficie de manera perpendicular. Puedes consultar los dibujos del libro de las páginas 20 y 21, te serán de gran ayuda.

3. Un ejercicio de de coordenadas geográficas. Será similar a las actividades que hemos hecho en clase sobre paralelos , meridianos y coordenadas geográficas. En un mapa tendréis que señalar los paralelos, meridianos y e indicar la latitud y longitud de un punto. El mapa que os dejo aquí será de gran ayuda. Fijaros en él y para practicar calcular las coordenadas de los puntos A, B, C y D.

jueves, 19 de octubre de 2017
As you know, we will play pasapalabra on friday 27th. We will play in couples of two students.
The topic of the pasapalabra will be the Islam, religion, society and culture. You should use both books (Englisg and Spanish) in order to prepare well the theme.
These are the topics to be focused on:
- Muhammad´s biography
- Islam: location in space and time.
- Important places where the Islam appeared.
- Expansion: map of the expansion of the Islam through Asia, Africa and Europe.
- Five pillars of the Islam.
- Administration of the territory.
- Main economic activities.
- The mosque: parts of a mosque
Spanish book, pages: 22-28
English book, pages: 10-14
Don´t waste time and start reading and studying the information. You can get up to four green positives!!!!!
Don´t forget to ask me any doubt you have.
The topic of the pasapalabra will be the Islam, religion, society and culture. You should use both books (Englisg and Spanish) in order to prepare well the theme.
These are the topics to be focused on:
- Muhammad´s biography
- Islam: location in space and time.
- Important places where the Islam appeared.
- Expansion: map of the expansion of the Islam through Asia, Africa and Europe.
- Five pillars of the Islam.
- Administration of the territory.
- Main economic activities.
- The mosque: parts of a mosque
Spanish book, pages: 22-28
English book, pages: 10-14
Don´t waste time and start reading and studying the information. You can get up to four green positives!!!!!
Don´t forget to ask me any doubt you have.
martes, 26 de septiembre de 2017
Notebook rules
1. We will start each unit by writing the title in English and in Spanish. You must start each unit in a new sheet.
2. We will write an index with the topics of the unit.
3. The first point of the index will consist of an introduction through a video and a timeline.
4.We will develop each topic of the index both in English and in Spanish through different ways: outlines, the book, conversations, explanations, internet, activities, etc.
5. When we do an activity in English the students have to write it only in English. Likewise, when we do an activity in Spanish, the students will write it only in Spanish.
6. You must use a pencil for the activities and a pen for other notes. Do not forget to use two pens (one red and other one blue).
7. Review all your notes at home and write down what you do not understand.
8. The exams or other quizzes will have parts in English and in Spanish. The teacher will say to the students the contents to be focused on.
9. The most important thing is to enjoy and to learn, so do not hesitate to ask the teacher any question that you consider.
2. We will write an index with the topics of the unit.
3. The first point of the index will consist of an introduction through a video and a timeline.
4.We will develop each topic of the index both in English and in Spanish through different ways: outlines, the book, conversations, explanations, internet, activities, etc.
5. When we do an activity in English the students have to write it only in English. Likewise, when we do an activity in Spanish, the students will write it only in Spanish.
6. You must use a pencil for the activities and a pen for other notes. Do not forget to use two pens (one red and other one blue).
7. Review all your notes at home and write down what you do not understand.
8. The exams or other quizzes will have parts in English and in Spanish. The teacher will say to the students the contents to be focused on.
9. The most important thing is to enjoy and to learn, so do not hesitate to ask the teacher any question that you consider.
Notebook rules
1. We will start each unit by writing the title in English and in Spanish. You must start each unit in a new sheet.
2. We will write an index with the topics of the unit.
3. The first point of the index will consist of an introduction through a video and a timeline.
4.We will develop each topic of the index both in English and in Spanish through different ways: outlines, the book, conversations, explanations, internet, activities, etc.
5. When we do an activity in English the students have to write it only in English. Likewise, when we do an activity in Spanish, the students will write it only in Spanish.
6. You must use a pencil for the activities and a pen for other notes. Do not forget to use two pens (one red and other one blue).
7. Review all your notes at home and write down what you do not understand.
8. The exams or other quizzes will have parts in English and in Spanish. The teacher will say to the students the contents to be focused on.
9. The most important thing is to enjoy and to learn, so do not hesitate to ask the teacher any question that you consider.
2. We will write an index with the topics of the unit.
3. The first point of the index will consist of an introduction through a video and a timeline.
4.We will develop each topic of the index both in English and in Spanish through different ways: outlines, the book, conversations, explanations, internet, activities, etc.
5. When we do an activity in English the students have to write it only in English. Likewise, when we do an activity in Spanish, the students will write it only in Spanish.
6. You must use a pencil for the activities and a pen for other notes. Do not forget to use two pens (one red and other one blue).
7. Review all your notes at home and write down what you do not understand.
8. The exams or other quizzes will have parts in English and in Spanish. The teacher will say to the students the contents to be focused on.
9. The most important thing is to enjoy and to learn, so do not hesitate to ask the teacher any question that you consider.
domingo, 18 de junio de 2017
sábado, 10 de junio de 2017
Notas del examen de la 2 GM
Buenas tardes:
Estas son las notas de los aprobados. Me he enfadado un poco - ¡¡¡el examen era muy fácil!!!- porque siempre espero más nota, sobre todo de algun@s, que estoy seguro que controlan un montón, pero a la hora del examen fallan en:
- Situar en el espacio y en el tiempo. Directamente se olvidan de decir cuándo pasó y dónde...
- Relacionan el texto con todas las causas de la guerra y sólo hay que relacionarlo con las causas que están en él. De esta forma se sabe si comprendéis el texto o no.
- Os cuesta captar la atención del lector en las redacciones. Empezáis a dar datos de cómo vivían en Auschwitz, sin hacer una pequeña introducción...
Los que figuran en lista con un suspenso quiere decir que no tendrían que presentarse a la recuperación de la 3ª evaluación, porque la media les daría al menos para llegar al 5.
A tod@s os recuerdo que el proyecto es un 20% del total de la nota de la 3ª y que el debate subirá nota también como sigue:
- 5-6: 0.5 puntos
- 7-8: 0.75 puntos.
- 8-9: 1 punto
Tomaroslo en serio porque es una subida considerable.
Águila, Miguel: 6
Baeza, Fernando: 9
Drejan, Razvan: 7,7
Estévez, Natalia: 8.3
Frías, Miguel Ángel: 4,6
Galdeano, Sandra: 4,25
García, Manuel: 5,75
Gázquez, Rodrigo: 9,5
Gil, Sergio: 8,25
Gilabert, Carlos: 6
Gómez, Noelia: 4,3
Gómez, Adrián: 5,2
Jiménez, David: 6
López, Iker: 4,9
Martín, Yolanda: 5,25
Medina, Pablo: 7,4
Mich, Julia: 7
Ocejo, Isaac: 6,25
Ojeda, José Juan: 7,2
Padilla, Cristina: 7,2
Peña, Inés: 5,75
Peralta, Fabio: 7
Pérez, José Miguel: 6,2
!Buen finde!
sábado, 27 de mayo de 2017
domingo, 14 de mayo de 2017
WW2 exam
These are the points of the unit you must focus on to prepare the exam.
First of all I strongly recommed you to locate all the facts and processes in the right time and place. You can check the history timelines uploaded on this blog. There are some interesting pictures you should take a look at as well.
1. Causes of the war. There will be either a document or a picture to be commented on by answering some questions. One of the uploaded pictures is about the causes of the war.
2. Stages of the war: There will be several short questions related to the stages of the war. Pay attention to the list of questions; the documentary watched in class (Youtube: Apoclipsis II Guerra Mundial, episodio 3); the documentary in English analysed by short questions and the map of the war uploaded on the blog.
3. Aftermath of the war. Check the table of the consequences of the war on the blog and the sheet that I´ve shared out in class.
4. The Holocaust: apart from the piece of information I gave out in class, we`ll watch a video.
5. WW2 history timeline: to complete a timeline by adding the main war facts.
Ask me in class about any doubts you have.
First of all I strongly recommed you to locate all the facts and processes in the right time and place. You can check the history timelines uploaded on this blog. There are some interesting pictures you should take a look at as well.
1. Causes of the war. There will be either a document or a picture to be commented on by answering some questions. One of the uploaded pictures is about the causes of the war.
2. Stages of the war: There will be several short questions related to the stages of the war. Pay attention to the list of questions; the documentary watched in class (Youtube: Apoclipsis II Guerra Mundial, episodio 3); the documentary in English analysed by short questions and the map of the war uploaded on the blog.
3. Aftermath of the war. Check the table of the consequences of the war on the blog and the sheet that I´ve shared out in class.
4. The Holocaust: apart from the piece of information I gave out in class, we`ll watch a video.
5. WW2 history timeline: to complete a timeline by adding the main war facts.
Ask me in class about any doubts you have.
viernes, 12 de mayo de 2017
jueves, 27 de abril de 2017
Recuperación de la 2ª evaluación de Geografía
El examen consistirá en 10 preguntas, cinco en inglés y cinco en español. Estas preguntas serán sacadas del siguiente listado de actividades.
Libro en español:
A modo de repaso revisar el punto 4.1 de la p. 20 para distinguir la población activa de la inactiva. Habrá un ejercicio sobre este punto.
PP: 114-115. Todas las actividades
P. 116: 1
P. 117: 2
Pp. 118-119: todas
P. 120: 1
Transportes europeos: haz un breve informe explicando lo que es el interrail en Europa.
Erasmus +: el Centro está en un proyecto europeo Erasmus + cuyo título es "Live naturally, live healthy". Contacta con algunos de los alumnos que estén en el programa e infórmate en qué consiste dicho programa, sobre qué va, qué pretenden conseguir, qué países están dentro del programa, etc.
Book in English:
P. 40: 8
P. 42: all the activities
Day of the exam: friday, May 12.
Any doubt, ask me!
Libro en español:
A modo de repaso revisar el punto 4.1 de la p. 20 para distinguir la población activa de la inactiva. Habrá un ejercicio sobre este punto.
PP: 114-115. Todas las actividades
P. 116: 1
P. 117: 2
Pp. 118-119: todas
P. 120: 1
Transportes europeos: haz un breve informe explicando lo que es el interrail en Europa.
Erasmus +: el Centro está en un proyecto europeo Erasmus + cuyo título es "Live naturally, live healthy". Contacta con algunos de los alumnos que estén en el programa e infórmate en qué consiste dicho programa, sobre qué va, qué pretenden conseguir, qué países están dentro del programa, etc.
Book in English:
P. 40: 8
P. 42: all the activities
Day of the exam: friday, May 12.
Any doubt, ask me!
lunes, 17 de abril de 2017
domingo, 16 de abril de 2017
Herramientas interesantes para la realización del vídeo del proyecto
Aquí os dejo los enlaces:
Cuatro herramientas para crear videos educativos
Los mejores diez programas gratuitos para la edición de videos
Espero que os sirvan de ayuda.
Cuatro herramientas para crear videos educativos
Los mejores diez programas gratuitos para la edición de videos
Espero que os sirvan de ayuda.
Cómo usar y descargarse videoescribe
Ya os he hablado en clase de la aplicación para utilizar videoescribe (el programa que convierte imágenes, texto, voz en un video). Es sencillo de usar. Os voy a dar a continuación una breves instrucciones para usarlo y descargarlo, pues la versión online sólo se puede usar siete días.
¡Mucha suerte! Si tenéis alguna duda preguntadme en clase.
Primero meteos en este enlace, que es el vídeo del tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ll9bgB4Wmy8 Cuando os metáis veréis que en la descripción del vídeo aparece el siguiente enlace: https://drive.google.com/file/d/ 0B10KXiIHZXYzbVN5OHNmYzB1aGc/ view Este es el enlace a la carpeta de Drive con la que comienza el vídeo y de donde debéis descargar el programa.Cuando lo descarguéis veréis que es un archivo comprimido, así que con el botón derecho le dais a extraer (todo esto aparece en el tutorial), abrís la carpeta extraída y lo instaláis.Una vez instalado, pincháis sobre el icono del programa con el botón derecho y le dáis a abrir en ubicación. Volvéis a la carpeta que os descargasteis y en la carpeta de "crack" copiáis el archivo que hay dentro y lo pegáis en la otra carpeta (la que habeis abierto desde el icono del programa). Le dais a pegar y reemplazar.Ahora ya podéis abrir el programa. Os pedirá una cuenta y una contraseña. Tenéis que poner la que dice el tutorial:- Cuenta: example@example.com- Contraseña: 1234
¡Mucha suerte! Si tenéis alguna duda preguntadme en clase.
domingo, 12 de marzo de 2017
Preguntas orales: vuelven las viejas enfermedades
Aquí os dejo las fotos del artículo que hay pegado en el corcho de clase y sobre el que os haré alguna pregunta oral.
Aquí os dejo las fotos del artículo que hay pegado en el corcho de clase y sobre el que os haré alguna pregunta oral.
martes, 28 de febrero de 2017
World war I and enterwar period exam
These are the questions to be focused on to prepare the exam. Remember that the infography will be the 30% of the mark.
- Causes of the war. You should explain all the causes of the war. It might appear a text to recognize the causes and comment them.
- Alliance system: we worked this point by a crossword.
- Development of the war and its features. Pay attention to the novelties of this war (weapons, use of the propaganda, means of communication...) and the life in the trenches. We read a sodier´s letter about Christmas truce.
- Peace treaties: Focus on the Versailles treaty, worked by a crossword.
- Consequences: What changes are there in the political map of Europe. Compare both maps, before and after the war.
- Pictures: Review the pictures that are uploaded on this blog. You should relate them to an aspect of the war.
- Russian revolutions: chronological outline; text worked in class about the two revolutions (matching paragraphs) and videos (both in English and in Spanish, uploaded on this blog).
It is very important to difference the bourgeois revolution and the Bolshevik revolution, to know the main politicians and revolutionaries (Lenin, Kerensky, Trotsky) as well as Czar Nicholas II; to know the differences between the liberal ideas and the communist ones; to explain Lenin´s program to gain soviet´s support (all the power to the soviets: peace, bread and land).
- Crash of 1929. Causes and consequences.
- Causes of the war. You should explain all the causes of the war. It might appear a text to recognize the causes and comment them.
- Alliance system: we worked this point by a crossword.
- Development of the war and its features. Pay attention to the novelties of this war (weapons, use of the propaganda, means of communication...) and the life in the trenches. We read a sodier´s letter about Christmas truce.
- Peace treaties: Focus on the Versailles treaty, worked by a crossword.
- Consequences: What changes are there in the political map of Europe. Compare both maps, before and after the war.
- Pictures: Review the pictures that are uploaded on this blog. You should relate them to an aspect of the war.
- Russian revolutions: chronological outline; text worked in class about the two revolutions (matching paragraphs) and videos (both in English and in Spanish, uploaded on this blog).
It is very important to difference the bourgeois revolution and the Bolshevik revolution, to know the main politicians and revolutionaries (Lenin, Kerensky, Trotsky) as well as Czar Nicholas II; to know the differences between the liberal ideas and the communist ones; to explain Lenin´s program to gain soviet´s support (all the power to the soviets: peace, bread and land).
- Crash of 1929. Causes and consequences.
domingo, 26 de febrero de 2017
miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2017
European economic sectors exam
Hello, friends!
These are the contents that you should focus on to prepare the exam.
1. Active population:
-Differences between active polulation and inactive one. Sort personal situations into active population and inactive one.
2. Primary sector:
- Point in a map the different climates and its landscapes of Europe. Check the link "paisajes de Europa".
- Features of the different climates of Europe: rains and temperatures.
- Vegetation: main features of the vegetation there is in each climate.
- Question related to the team activity you did about the subsidies of the European agriculture.
3. Secondary sector:
- Industry in Europe: text about different industries (matching activity we did in class)
There will be a true or false activity about this matter.
4. Tertiary sector acrivities:
- There will be some questions about the videos we watched in class (uploaded on this blog)
Pay attention to: countries of the Eurozone, advantages of the train currying merchandisings from China to Europe.
These are the contents that you should focus on to prepare the exam.
1. Active population:
-Differences between active polulation and inactive one. Sort personal situations into active population and inactive one.
2. Primary sector:
- Point in a map the different climates and its landscapes of Europe. Check the link "paisajes de Europa".
- Features of the different climates of Europe: rains and temperatures.
- Vegetation: main features of the vegetation there is in each climate.
- Question related to the team activity you did about the subsidies of the European agriculture.
3. Secondary sector:
- Industry in Europe: text about different industries (matching activity we did in class)
There will be a true or false activity about this matter.
4. Tertiary sector acrivities:
- There will be some questions about the videos we watched in class (uploaded on this blog)
Pay attention to: countries of the Eurozone, advantages of the train currying merchandisings from China to Europe.
domingo, 5 de febrero de 2017
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