martes, 27 de enero de 2015

Exam: Unit 5. Natural environments.

The following exam will consist of one question of vocabulary which will include words both the unit 4 and the unit 5.
The other questions will consist of several texts and photos related to the natural environments. So, you have to study well the information of the table to comment correctly the texts and the pictures.
Here you have an example of a text and the pictures that might appear in the exam.

En general, las selvas contienen  el mayor número de especies animales y vegetales en el mundo. Según científicos, más de la mitad de las especies de fauna y flora se encuentran ahí.
En la selva amazónica por ejemplo, cada año se descubren nuevas especies que no habían sido detectadas por el hombre debido a que se encuentran en lugares muy peligrosos o escondidos.

Videos: The carolingian Empire (2)

Videos: The Carolingian Empire.(1)

These are the videos about the Carolingian Empire.
These videos are to be analyzed with the questions that you have copied in class.

Exam: the Early Middle Ages. Bizantine Empire and Carolingian Empire.

These are the different parts of the following exam.

Part in English:

1- The vocabulary.
2- The Carolingian Empire. Pay attention to the questios and the videos about this point because you should respond and explain some questions. The questions will be similar to the questions discussed in class.
You can consult both videos on the class blog.
3- False or true exercise (you have to correct the false ones). It is necessary to read the information about the Byzantine art in the Basic concepts.

Parte en español:

1- Cuadro resumen que daré en clase el próximo día.
2- Comentar el mapa histórico que habéis hecho en el mapa que os pasé yo. Es importante situar en el tiempo el mapa. ¿En qué siglo se sitúa el mapa teniendo en cuenta la información que nos suministra? Hay que justificar la respuesta con información del mapa.
3- Mosaico de la Emperatriz Teodora.
4- Explicar los aspectos más importantes del Imperio bizantino: cuándo surge, dónde, cultura, tradiciones, gobierno, etc.

Además de los apuntes, vídeos y actividades en clase puedes consultar tanto el libro de texto en español como en inglés.

Línea del tiempo: la Edad Media

Video: natural environments.

Here it is the video that we have watched in the class. Watch the video again and answer the questions that you hace copied in class.

By the way, "desembocar" in English is: To flow into
Example: The Nile river flows into theMediterranean.

lunes, 26 de enero de 2015

Unit 5: vocabulary

Remember, as always, these words are to be translated into Spanish and defined in English.
If you have any doubt ask me.

- Natural environment.
- Rainforest.
- Deforestation.
- Savanna.
- Deciduous forests.
- Taiga.
- Farming.

Unit 5: word list.

Remember, as always, these words are to be translated into Spanish and defined in English.
If you have any doubt ask me.

- Byzantine Empire.
- Western Roman Empire.
- Eastern Roman Empire.
- Carolingian Empire.
- Mosaic.
- Icon.
- Barbarians.
- Islam.
- Visigoths.

sábado, 17 de enero de 2015

When I met Teodora in the circus

In the next exam you can get up to 2 extra points. You have to write in pairs a story whose title is: "when I met Teodora in the circus".
As you know, Justinian, the most famous emperor of Bytantium, met his wife, Teodora, in the circus. She was a ballet dancer. Justinian fell in love with Teodora and finally they got married. Teodora became the empress of Byzantium,
The story will consist of telling this romance, and explaining the role of Teodora as empress. So, it should have both invented  and historic elements.

Minimun extension; one side of a sheet.
I will value: creativity, knowledge of the historic context, vocabulary and writing.

You can look into this websites:

Mum, I want to be a meteorologist

You can get up to 2 extra points in the exam. Along with the map about the climatic zones of the world (individual), you have to write a story in English in pairs. The story should entitle: "Mum, I want to be a meteorologist".
In the story you have to explain to your mother that you love to study the weather, the climate, that you are always reading books about the elements of the climate, that you are concerned about the global warming, etc., so you have decided to study Meteorology at the University. How will be your mother's reaction like?
Minimun extension: one side of a sheet.
I will value: creativity, English vocabulary, expression, knowledge of the weather and climate.

Unit 4: weather and climate. Vocabulary.

This is the word list of the unit 4. Remember that you have to translate into Spanish and to define in English each word. I would prefer you to translate rather than write a sentence.

1. Atmosphere.
2. weather.
3. Climate.
4. Temperature.
5. Precipitation.
6. Wind.
7. Atmospheric pressure.
8. Altitude.
9. Latitude.
10. Distance from the sea.
11. Reflief.
12. High presure.
13. Low pressure.

Línea del tiempo

La mezquita de Córdoba

La economía de Al-Ándalus

Recordad que una de las preguntas del examen es sobre la economía. En clase hemos visto este vídeo y respondido a tres preguntas sobre él.
Las preguntas son:
1. Menciona los productos más importantes que se cultivaban en Al-Ándalus.
2. ¿De dónde se importaban los libros?
3.¿y los esclavos?

sábado, 10 de enero de 2015

La invasión islámica de la Península Ibérica

La actividad consiste en ver el vídeo y responder a las preguntas.

1. ¿En qué año se produce la conquista musulmana de la Península ibérica?
2. ¿Quiénes gobernaban la Península antes de la llegada de los árabes?
3. ¿Por qué la conquista fue tan rápida?
4. ¿Por qué parte de la Península entraron los árabes? ¿Quién los dirigía?
5. ¿Permitieron los árabes la libertad religiosa en al-Ándalus? Justifica tu respuesta.
6. ¿Qué es una alcazaba?

2. The Empire of Byzantium. The history

This video is to be watched and to develop the point 2 of the index.
To develop the point we'll watch the video and we'll respond the following questions.
1. Where was the Byzantine Empire located?
2. What was its capital?
3. Why was its capital called like that?
4.How was the ruler called?
5. How was his/her power?
6. Explain briefly how was the Byzantine culture and the art.
7. Who was the most important Byzantine Emperor.
8. Who conquered this Empire and when took place this event?

Unit 4: The early Middle Ages: The Byzantine Empire and the Carolingian Empire

This is the index of the unit 4.

0. Introduction.
1. The end of the Roman Empire.
2.The Empire of Byzantium. The history.
3.The Church and the Byzantine art.
4.The Carolingian Empire. Historical events.
5. Carolingian society and culture.

As always, we are going to begin developing the point 1. See you on monday!

Western History timeline