domingo, 22 de febrero de 2015

Mum, I want to be a meteorologist! (1º ESO C)

Several stories have got the highest mark. Congratulations for:
- Sergio Villafruela and Antonio Sánchez Juárez.
- Fátima el Zahraa Touami and Iman Benssar Benomar.
- Fánia Velásquez.
- Paloma Rojas Canón.
But, the winner story is:

martes, 10 de febrero de 2015

Mum, I want to be a meteorologist! The winner is...

There are several stories that have got the maximum score, 2 points. These stories have been written by:
- Julia Baeza Benjumea and Fátima Kaba Diaby.
- Antonio Cano Pinillos, Robert Amezcua Robertson and Julio de Medio Figueredo.
- Laura Arroyo and Celia Giménez.
- Paula García Navarro and Laura Domene Balaguer.
But the story I liked most is the following one, written by Julia and Fátima!