viernes, 29 de enero de 2016

Proyecto: análisis urbano de una ciudad

como sabéis ya, el proyecto del tema 4 consiste en hacer un power point y una exposición oral en grupo de una ciudad.
Como estamos con el urbanismo, haremos un análisis urbano de una ciudad.
Las partes que tiene que tener el trabajo son:

En este punto presentaremos la ciudad y citaremos la población que tiene, su situación dentro del país, el porcentaje de población del país que vive en esa ciudad. Mostraremos imágenes representativas de esa ciudad.

Este punto es el más extenso porque tendréis que seguir el guión que os di en clase. Evidentemente, tendréis que mostrar el plano de la ciudad que estéis analizando.

 Hay que clasificar la ciudad según sea un a
Área metropolitana, una conurbación, región urbana.... No olvidéis poner una imagen del tipo de aglomeración que es (como las que trae el libro en las pp. 94 y 95).

 Debéis consultar la ingormación en el punto 5.2 de la pág. 100 del libro.

- problemas urbanísticos: transporte, red viatia, chabolismo...
- medioambientales: contaminación acústica, de las aguas, atmosférica...
- pobreza, marginalidad, violencia


Fecha de comienzo de las exposiciones.
3º ESO A: 9 de febrero.
3º ESO B y C: 8 de febrero.

martes, 26 de enero de 2016

Criterios de calificación del trabajo de la población de un país

Expresión escrita: 2 puntos (ortografía, sintaxis, claridad...)

Formato: 1 punto (letra Arial 12 o similar, espaciado de 1,5)

Comprensión del tema: 3 puntos (se nota que domina el tema, que no copia sin entender lo que copia, que argumenta bien...)

Presentación de la información: 3 puntos  (tiene todas  las partes  y las presenta como se pedía, tiene mapas, imágenes, gráficos, etc,)

Adecuación del trabajo a lo que se pide: 1 punto (el trabajo de ajusta a lo que se pedía)

miércoles, 13 de enero de 2016

Discussion in group on the point of studying Geography

These are the students who should participate on the forum by commenting about the topic of the title.

3º ESO A: Marina Androstchuk; Fernando Baeza, Daniyel banadik; Saray García y Lucía González.
3º ESO B: Francisco Javier Hernández; Nuria Justicia; Anass Khadach; Alba León; Fátima tapias.
3º ESO C: Lucas salcedo; Adelina Salvador; Francisco Sánchez; José Serrano; Adelina Ungureanu.

Top 10 Reasons to Study Geography

  1. To understand basic physical systems that affect everyday life (e.g. earth-sun relationships, water cycles, wind and ocean currents).
  2. To learn the location of places and the physical and cultural characteristics of those places in order to function more effectively in our increasingly interdependent world.
  3. To understand the geography of past times and how geography has played important roles in the evolution of people, their ideas, places and environments.
  4. To develop a mental map of your community, province or territory, country and the world so that you can understand the “where” of places and events.
  5. To explain how the processes of human and physical systems have arranged and sometimes changed the surface of the Earth.
  6. To understand the spatial organization of society and see order in what often appears to be random scattering of people and places.
  7. To recognize spatial distributions at all scales — local and worldwide — in order to understand the complex connectivity of people and places.
  8. To be able to make sensible judgements about matters involving relationships between the physical environment and society.
  9. To appreciate Earth as the homeland of humankind and provide insight for wise management decisions about how the planet’s resources should be used.
  10. To understand global interdependence and to become a better global citizen

martes, 12 de enero de 2016

Outline to analyze a work of art

I: Identification:
1.1. Title of the work of art.
1.2. Date when it was made.
1.3. Type of work of art (architecture, painting, sculpture...)
1.4. Artist who made it.
1.5. Technique:  (painting and sculpture)

II: Description:
2.1. Description of what I see.
2.2. Materials: wood, stones, bricks, marble (architecture); wood, marble, bronze (sculpture)
2.3. What are the colours like? In case of a building the colours of the materials.
2.4. And the perspective? (only for paintings)
2.5. And the light? Does the whole piece of  art have the same lighting or is the light focused on a part of it?
2.6. Function.
2.7. Topic of the painting or the scupture (mythological, story of the Bible...)

III: Commentary: 
In this part you have to explain the relation between the work of art and the historic age.

IV: Conclusion:
Finally, you have to finish your commentary by explaining the importance of this piece of art and your personal opinion,

sábado, 9 de enero de 2016

Project: population of a country

As  I have told you in class, the assessment of the unit 3 will consist of a project. Each student must choose a country and apply to the project all what we have studied in class.
The project must have the four parts of the index of the unit and an introduction about the topic of the research.

 -  Introduction
1- Distributuon of population
2- Natural population movements.
3- Natural growth and demographic structure.
4- Migratory movements.

The project must be done in word office or in other similar program. The size of letter should be 12 and the space between lines (line spacing)  1,5.

In the frontpage you have to put this title: name of the country. A research of its population.
In the second page it should appear an index with the four points of the project and the introduction.

Pictures, maps, graphics, etc:  You should add them as many  as each part of the project needs. For instance, when you develop the migratoy movements you can show two maps: an internal migration map and an external one.

English: at least two parts of the project must be done in English.

IMPORTANT: Start doing the project. I recommend you doing  it at the same time at each point of the unit is explained in class. Ask me any doubt you have.