martes, 24 de enero de 2017

Map and graphic work plan

Geography´s study should focus on maps and other tools suchs as graphics. Therefore, the work plan will consist of drawing economic maps  and graphics.
You should start as soon as possible the activity, in order to ask me any doubt in class. The task is not too complicated though, you might have some doubts. The sooner you begin, the better you will do it.
We will dedicate a bit of  time in class to explain what you must do in each activity.
The deadline is on February 3rd.

1. Find out the average pension of these countries: Spain, Chile, Argentina, Great Britain, China, Russia, Morocco, Kenia, Mongolia and New Zeland.
Once you have got this data, do a map showing it.

2. Page 39, Spanish book: compare both maps.

3. Page 54, Spanish book: convert the datas of the table of these fifteen  forestry countries into  a map.

4. Page 56, Spanish book: convert the graphic about fishing production into a map by using only three colours.

5. Page 63, Spanish book: Gather the information of the maps in only one map, by following the example of the map of the page 67.

5. Page 99, Spanish book: draw a lineal graphic about the tourist arrival growth between 2012 and 2013.

See you!!!!

martes, 17 de enero de 2017

Recuperación 1ª evaluación de Historia.

Hola, chic@s,
Os voy a dejar un resumen de los contenidos en los que os tenéis que centrar para estudiar la recuperación del primer trimestre.
El examen estará basado en las siguientes actividades. Si no son idénticas, serán muy parecidas. Así que es IMPORTANTE que las hagáis.
I. Definir: 
Antiguo Régimen
Sociedad estamental
División de poderes

II. Actividades del libro en español:

Pág. 46: 1, 2, 3
Pág. 47: 1, 2, 3 y 4
Pág 50: 1, 2 y 3
Pág. 53:  2 y 4
Pág. 54: 1 y 2
Pág. 55: 1 y 2
Pág. 58: 3
Pág 79: 1, 2, 3 y 4
Pág 80 y 81: todas las actividades

III. The Imperialism.

 What was the imperialism? What caused it?

Pay attention to these pictures, describe them and explain the relationship with the imperialism