sábado, 17 de octubre de 2015

Seven ways to protect the environment

With this text will begin a short-group debate. In the first debate will take part the following students.

Paolo, Julia, Micaela, Francisco J. Oyonarte, Federico (3º ESO B)
Miguel Águila, Andrea Enrique, Natalia Estévez, Pablo Medina, Sergio Gil (3º ESO A)
Vladislav Smolyakov, Daniel Serrablo, Jorge Sánchez, Eunicia e Yrene (3º ESO C)
Each student has to post at least one commentary of 7 lines as minimum. The commentaries can be both about the text and a classmate´s answer. 
Deathline: 31st October.

Seven ways to protect the environment

We all want to protect our planet, but we're mostly too busy or too lazy to put up big change that would improve our lifestyle and save the environment.These are 7 simple habits to implement in your everyday life which will make a difference. There is nothing new here but if you follow at least some of these tips, you can be proud of yourself participating in the protection of the environment.
  1. Use compact fluorescent light bulbs:
    It is true that these bulbs are more expensive, but they last much longer and they can save energy and in the long term your electricity bill would be reduced.
  2. Donate:
    You have tons of clothes or things you want to get rid of. If they are still usable, give them to someone who needs them. You may also choose to give them to associations. These associations may sell them and collect a little money. Not only will you protect the environment, but you will also contribute to a good cause.
  3. Turn off your devices: 
    When you do not use a house device, turn it off. For example, if you don't watch TV, turn it off. Turn off the light when you leave a room (even if you intend to return.) It's an easy habit to take up which will help you save a lot of money.
  4. Walk or cycle: 
    Driving is one of the biggest causes of pollution. If you want to use your car, ask yourself the following question: do I really need my car? Walk or use your bike if the journey is a short one.
  5. Detergent:
    Follow the recommended dose of detergent to wash your clothes or dishes.
  6. leaky faucets:
    Watch leaky faucets, which can cause a significant increase in the the water bill. An average of 120 liters of water can be wasted due to a dripping faucet.
  7. Rainwater:
    Think of recovering rainwater. This water can be used for different purposes.
  8. This list is far from being exhaustive but in addition to saving the environment, all these tips will help you save money.

9 comentarios:

  1. In my opinion I agree with all these tips that the text says. We do not have any idea of all the money that we spend and all the contamination that we produced all the days for do our things. It is as easy as turn off the lights when we do not need it and change it into fluorescent light bulbs, donate the clothes that remains small, use the bike or walk inested of use the car... If we do these easy things we contibute to a good cause and save money. Now we do not have any idea of all the damage we do to the Earth, but with the time, we contribute to save the Earth and save money.

  2. I think it's true that with a few simple changes we could all bring something to protect the environment. But people are used to their routines and for example do not believe that global warming be such dangerous or even if that person only help will can not do anything to change . for these reason not choose to do something,although being very simple changes. It is true that they might not affect them but and future generations ...

  3. I think that te proposal for protect the enviroment are very good,but in my opinion the best proposal is ''Use compact fluorescent light bulbs'' because thenks to this proposal,you can save money and protect the enviroment.
    Other proposal very well,that not appear in the blog,is of the air conditioner.
    Is recomended put the air conditioner in the recomended degrees.
    Definitely, all the people in the world must use all the proposal that appear in this blog and the proposal of the air conditioner.

  4. Now a days is importatn to improve our lifestyle and save the enviroment because the world it changing very quicly and we need to prevent this changes if we want to preserve our wolrd

  5. I´m agree with my partners, all the tips are very important but lazy people think:
    -That is false. or -These don´t afect to me.
    The people will do something when the polars melt or the atmosphere broke. But the people don´t that this started now and if we don´t do anything now, when we know that it is dangerous it will be late to do something to help. So if we act now, for example do one or two of the tips we can save the Earth.
    Only changing your lights to bulbs light you are saving the world, imagine all the people do something to help the world every day.

  6. I think the second section ("Donate"), is quite right because when my sister or my clothes too small or we have something we do not use, we leave in the hands of my neighbor, who is responsible for distributing the material among the people who need it most and that makes you feel good. In the case of toys, I think it made me a happy ending to my day, is now making another happy child. It's a great feeling and people should implement it, because you benefit you and above helping others.

  7. I agree with Jorge. It is true we are sometimes too lazy, or we think the problems in the world aren´t too importan. Two or three people can´t change the world, but if some of us change a few things in our lifes, we will help so much. For example, we can walk or cycle. Roquetas is not a very big city, so we can walk or ride our bikes instead of travel by cars. Use co pact fluorescent light bulbs is a goog way to help the world too, because the last longer. It is true they are more expensive than normal bulbs, but they don´t cost so much. If all of us try protect the environment we can change the world. It isn´t very difficult, we just have to try.

  8. I´m agree with Natalia, we do not have any idea of all the money that we spend and all the contamination that we produce all days.
    According to some studies that deal everyday objects that seem so insignificant they can have an effect of degradation in our land of 2-4 weeks to a thousands of years, as a single sheet of paper as is the glass.
    If we put more of our part to recycle, donate or use compact fluorescent light bulbs, we pollute less and it would save money, all the planet's future is in our hands and we do not even realize.

  9. I think this text has all the true. Some people, for example, just switch the light on when they get in some room but they forget to switch it off when they leave the room. I think that with just a little move we can change all the world. I mean, if everybody would just do a simple movement like touch a light key we could change the world a lot. This text says some things for changing the world but i think there are tons of things more we could do, like, for example, instead of taking the car, pick a bus or your bike.
