miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2016

The unknown story of the Spanish slavery

Hello! Here you have an interesting article about the too little known story of the Spanish slavery. Read it and express your opinion in English in 150 characters maximum, as if you were posting a tweet. I´ll take into account your skill to summarize the article and originality.

Students who must comment the article:

4º ESO A: Students from Banadyk to González Alcarria
4º ESO B: From Águila to García Marín
4º ESO C: From Fernández to Sánchez Balbuena

Deadline to have finished the activity: on the 9th of november.

The unknown story of the Spanish slavery

20 comentarios:

  1. The slavery produced up to 58 million dollars, it financed the Industrial revolution.
    The Spanish Crown supported African and Eurasian slaves but it was declared illegal in XIX century.

  2. The relationship between slavery and who had power and money in Spain was quite significant. Doesn't matter how much lasted it, it won't disappeared.

  3. The periods and the development of the complex of immigrant slavery from indigenous countries in Spain were between XVI and XIX centuries.

  4. The story tell how the powerful people won money and power thanks to the slavery business in Spain.The story talked about the first slavery business and how it make money with it. On the XIX century started the slavery and now this still happenning ,with the immigrant people that doesn´t have power and the people take advantage of this, because nobody be interesting on support it and the slave doesn´t have power for be free and this didn´t happen only for immigrants, this happend with people that are at the same country, maybe by the different social class and the economic power. By Francisco Sánchez Balbuena 4ºC

  5. The slavery has existed almost from the beginning of the human civilization,in the past the principally cause was the race, but the saddest is that today practically the same thing continues happening.

  6. Cn´t bliev the late end of this,the sum of mney earned(y pple lways thnk bout mney?)& pple who took part.Thnx 2 hman >s,slvry isn´t prdced hr anymore.

  7. It is a horrible thing because it shows what people (important people too) can do for a little money and how racist we are sometimes.

  8. Was a difficult period in the Middle Ages, it was extended by Iberian peninsula and by America. It was continued by the Spanishs colonies. In 1886 were in freedom the last African slaves.

  9. Between XVI and XIX centuries, there were 58 million of slaves in Spain. All people taked advantages and used them like a great common business.

  10. IMO that's inhuman that we took people as slaves,we're taking advantage and also selling them,58k people were slaves in SPA(XVl c)and it was declining

  11. Another country that fell down in the slavery and a bad way of obtaining benefits but was good because it help with the economy

  12. I didn´t know the story of the Spanish slavery. The first thing, I though when someone ask me about slavery is the story of United states slavery. I´m surprised, I had never thought there were this slavery problem in Spain. I´m disappointed about the monuments of the slavery and all the famous people that have used the slavery like the origin of "Caixa" and "Banco de Bilbao".

  13. In my opinion this subject about slavery it´s very painful,because queens,painters...they take advantage of humble people.We aren´t talking about an historical event,his heir are the ones who govern aondays.The thing had changed,thank gos,but slavery will remain in the memory.

  14. In my opinion I think that it was an epoch of utilization of the slave holders of great power and the ill-treated slaves of other races

  15. The slavery its subhuman because of the conditions that these persons were,supervised by another person and without own life.People won a lot of money

  16. I knew that there was slavery, which I did not know is that has lasted so long.
    In my opinion the slaves were poor people with serious economic problems, that came to the country to resolve its situation. And they only found with the benefit that they caused to the "parents" from Spain, they "buyed" them illegally and they exhausted physically and morally. But I believe that there were also people who tried to help them. I guess people like that can not goberned our country.
    I also think, that the already mentioned "parents" from Spain, were worship by the people because they gave their money for the improvement and prosperity of them, hiding the little-known truth. But people dont had a lot mof money as to keep many slaves, and them slaves not had a level necessary as for search is the life they themselves.
    Anyway, slavery remains today, there is very little in Spain (I suppouse) but is hidden and is dangerous too.

  17. The slavery was horrible but it proves that the human being is capable of making legal anything 2 get money and power, even knowing that it's immoral. Still 2day.
    (se lo mando otra vez por si acaso) :)

  18. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por un administrador del blog.

  19. Slavery began in the XIX century. Several people who participated in the slavery of the immigrants and the africans, have monuments to honor it. Slavery was extended by the Iberian peninsula and by America. Then continued through the spanish colonies. On october 7, 1886, the last african slaves were released.
    In my opinion, the slavery of immigrants and africans should have ended before. I think they have no right to that. BY. PATRICIA RUEDA 4ºC

  20. The lucrative business of slavery has been a key factor in the world economy for years. Many illustrious people in our country benefited enormously from it.
