domingo, 14 de mayo de 2017

WW2 exam

These are the points of the unit you must focus on to prepare the exam.

First of all I strongly recommed you to locate all the facts and processes in the right time and place. You can check the history timelines uploaded on this blog. There are some  interesting pictures you should  take a look at as well.

1. Causes of the war. There will be either a document or a picture to be commented on by answering some questions. One of the uploaded pictures is about the  causes of the war.

2. Stages of the war: There will be several short questions related to the stages of the war. Pay attention to the list of questions; the documentary watched in class (Youtube: Apoclipsis II Guerra Mundial, episodio 3);  the documentary in English analysed by short questions and the map of the war uploaded on the blog.

3. Aftermath of the war. Check the table of the  consequences of the war on the blog and the sheet that I´ve shared out in class.

4. The Holocaust: apart from the piece of information I gave out in class, we`ll watch a video.

5. WW2 history timeline: to complete a timeline by adding the main war facts.

Ask me in class about any doubts you have.

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