sábado, 9 de enero de 2016

Project: population of a country

As  I have told you in class, the assessment of the unit 3 will consist of a project. Each student must choose a country and apply to the project all what we have studied in class.
The project must have the four parts of the index of the unit and an introduction about the topic of the research.

 -  Introduction
1- Distributuon of population
2- Natural population movements.
3- Natural growth and demographic structure.
4- Migratory movements.

The project must be done in word office or in other similar program. The size of letter should be 12 and the space between lines (line spacing)  1,5.

In the frontpage you have to put this title: name of the country. A research of its population.
In the second page it should appear an index with the four points of the project and the introduction.

Pictures, maps, graphics, etc:  You should add them as many  as each part of the project needs. For instance, when you develop the migratoy movements you can show two maps: an internal migration map and an external one.

English: at least two parts of the project must be done in English.

IMPORTANT: Start doing the project. I recommend you doing  it at the same time at each point of the unit is explained in class. Ask me any doubt you have.

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